Psyllium Market Report

By Oliver

Market report by Neupert Ingredients.

The first reports on the current psyllium harvest in India are now available and there seems to be a 10% increase compared to the previous year. This has led to a short-term recovery in prices, which have recently been at a very high level.

The harvest forecast is estimated to be about 1.7 million bags of psyllium seeds of 75 kg for the current harvest. The total demand for 2016 was 1.9 million bags. Due to remaining stocks from previous harvests, the demand carry over has so far been intercepted. This is likely to be difficult this year, however, as the overall demand for psyllium continues to rise.

The prices have fallen in the last days for the first time since March 2016. We are concerned, however this development will be short-lived. As soon as larger contracts are concluded and large customers from the pharmaceutical industry are on the market, prices will surely rise again.

We therefore recommend to cover your needs for 2017 soon.


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