Market Report for Psyllium

By Oliver

The harvest is now in full swing and will be completed by the end of March / early April.  According to current estimates, the crop yield over the previous year will be significantly lower.

In 2015, the harvest volumes were approximately 160,000 ton. This year, only 120,000 ton are expected. Indeed, this is more than in 2014, but the demand for psyllium has grown significantly.  The remaining stocks from 2015 are at least 60% lower than in previous years. Lower inventories, lower harvests and global increases in demand will therefore lead to higher prices.

We have recognised an increasing demand for a few days already and the prices in India have gone up. Another factor of uncertainty is possible, heavy rains at the end of the month, which could affect the harvest. We will know more by mid-April.

Our recommendation is to cover your annual needs now.

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